a Business
Stitch Directory

Recommend Your Favourite Business

Do you have a favourite haberdashers, or a shop where you get all of your craft supplies from? If you’d like to see particular store listed on our Stitch Directory, please help us so that we can recommend your favourite store to others. 

Simply complete the form below and we’ll contact the owner to ask them to include their listing on this directory. Thank you in advance for your contribution. The Stitch Directory is completely free for all businesses.

Our Aim

The primary goal of the Stitch Directory is to support independent retailers, store owners and suppliers of textile craft supplies. We invite any stores that fall into the following categories to add their business, for FREE:

Name of the business you're recommending
Please entire url e.g "https://staging.sofst.org"
Please provide an email address for the business you're recommending so that we can contact them.
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